I guess it is very influenced by the chemical balance of our brain, but when it is not biased towards one gender it could be influenced by environment. So, since it is a very messy and random process I do not think those arbitrary criteria should match at all.
martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011
sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011
¿que opinión les merece la publicidad de Gleydis Rincón?
Sería un ideal que los altos cargos técnicos en el Estado estén ocupados por los mejores. Pero las condiciones laborales para altos ejecutivos son mejores en la industria privada. ¿Cómo lograr que el Estado sea atractivo para estas personas capacitadas?
¿Other than rising their salaries?
1) Decrease the need of people working for the government reducing the size of State.
2) Encourage volunteering in order to get more people working for their communities without giving up the good salary they earn in a job in private sector.
Ask me anything. I deal better with "why" and "how" than with "what".
¿Crees que la creciente tendencia de afirmar creer en Dios pero declararse por fuera de religiones e iglesias, sea realmente un reflejo de una falta de compromiso real?
I guess when you say "religions and churches" you mean "Catholicism", because Christian cults of all sorts are growing everywhere. I guess most people want to believe in something but Catholicism is not offering what most people is looking for. For me, that's the reason why most people is not committed to Catholicism more than a lack of commitment in general (which is a real phenomenon anyway).
Ask me anything. I deal better with "why" and "how" than with "what".
¿Qué prefieres: la fantasía o la ciencia ficción?
Si a un ejecutivo de una empresa importante la empresa le paga el esquema de seguridad (incluyendo la gasolina), gastos de representación, viáticos, etc. ¿por qué tanto escándalo porque el estado le pague el equivalente a un Senador?
Because in a company the budget is not spending my money. The Congress expenses are paid with taxes money, so it shouldn't be destined to luxuries. Besides that, the perception of politicians is that they do too little actual work for the salary they are receiving and in most cases that work is sloppy or intended to benefit themselves and/or their sponsors instead of the society. That's why when they ask for more money it feels like they don't deserve it, unlike a manager in a private company who needs to show results in order to keep his job (and salary).
How does it work in other countries such as Sweden? I bet that, in proportion, the Congressmen there earn less money and do a lot more work.
Ask me anything. I deal better with "why" and "how" than with "what".
jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011
30. Uno que pueda salvar vidas
Del mismo autor de "La oración de la rana", este libro es una compilación de los seminarios que el jesuíta indio (de la India, pues) Anthony de Mello solía organizar. Cuando lo leí estaba en plena adolescencia y le dió un remezón a todo lo que constituía las bases de mi visión del mundo.
No sé si pueda salvar otras vidas, pero sin duda ayudó a salvar la míal. n_n